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The" armageddon " Entry
Date:January 12
Climate:Refer to the title of this entry...snow, sleet, thunderstorms, hail, and 50 degrees...with a prediction of a -5 on Saturday
Listening to:ipod
Watching:the computer load and reload transcripts

I am fairly sure that something is off kilter in the world and its atmosphere. Now, I am aware that tsunami's which kill millions, mudslides and flooding in California which kill hundreds, and then this bizarre January weather may be just sheerly coincidence, but then again, I can't help but wonder if I am looking at something a bit more serious. Who knows.

This morning I was riding a death trap, truly. I really enjoy that public transporation takes the hassle out of getting around the city, but as opposed to the very nice car Eddie has, which is always warm and full of good music and a much better odor, riding the bus up and down lake shore drive can be a bit of a try. Today for instance the bus made this horrible grating sound, as though the rubber was literally rubbing off the tires with each pending mile. From Marine Drive to Michigan avenue, I think I thought the tires were going to fly off at least 12 times. The worst part was that the bus was packed, the windows were all fogged off which gave this pseudo-tropic/humidity to the entire ride, but without the ocean breeze and tropical drinks. Instead it was wet shoes and umbrellas and one very annoying screaming baby.

I know i have posted about the baby phenomena before but today I wanted to take the kid and muzzle it which makes me rethink my supposed maternal instincts even more. The baby was just screaming because his toy, which he had in his mouth, had fallen beneath the seat and landed on the very dirty and wet floor of the bus. The unfortunate man who chose to sit beside this stroller (another charming aspect) finally got on his knees to produce the toy to ensure that the screaming baby stop screaming. The mother seemed so appreciative but I think she lacked the reasoning skills to realize that the man wasn't doing it to be cavalier but to avoid getting the second of his two ear drums blown out by this babies screams. The baby then put the toy back in its mouth and, perhaps finally getting some taste buds of his own, realized the taste was of wet rubber shoes and dirt, and proceeded to holler some more. It was a nightmare...that plus the grating sound at our feets as the bus trodded along in rain, hail, and then winds...i shake my head in disbelief even now.

I got to work early and got to make the coffee for once; usually its so strong that I have to water it down with hot water but today, I actually put equal parts coffee=water.

My letter was published in the Trib...I feel very proud, primarily due be/c this signals my writing and thought process is at a level where adults find it readable and worth merit, as opposed to the collegeate level pop culture magazines or newspapers. I feel even more ready for law school.

Here it is
