12 January 2007

how did i get here. No question mark.

Its almost 12thirty in the morning and this pattern of pseudo insomnia has been plaguing me since I returned from Barcelona. I don't know what it is. Is it possible that I got too much sleep over break? I suppose. My irritations over basically everything have come back full force now that I am caught up on sleep and biding my time until I start classes again. Working has been somewhat fulfilling but not enough, I guess. I have to wake up in less than six hours and sleep is nowhere to be found.

After pricing my books on Amazon I ended up just going to the bookstore to buy them...its that waiting that kills me, that, "will I get these in time for my first day of classes be/c I have homework" type of panic. Anyway, Amazon has some sort of computer synapse that allows my previous views to link like a chain letter down to sometimes the most bizarre reads that I would never, ever buy or, for that matter, read. Today's offers included a book I had actually see in Borders called Girls and its basically about men using women as sex toys be/c older women are so troublesome what with wanting more out of life than just...right, sex, partying, widdling away trust funds at an alarming pace, and alcohol and drugs and all that other glamorous fun that in no way keeps the country moving...unless we're talking about the requisite "war on drugs" and what not. Anyway, as I read this snippet on Amazon, I began to think about a certain someone who I once knew who had a "beef" with how men were being "emasculated." Seriously, its unreal for me to even read that be/c its all so cold war esq a la post 911 that I want to scream - if you could please point out a country - anywhere - where men are being "emasculated" I will give you a prize...and it wont be much be/c I assume you'll be lying. Reading about systematic rapes in the Sudan as a type of "war crime," the over abundance of this new, shit, "man law" commercial phenom, and of course, the war in Iraq and the war on "terror" (hello "science" stating that men need to be physically active aka fighting in a "survival of the species" sense) all seem to instigate a sense that men are thriving, in the exact same way as they have been since the world evolved or was magically "created." Don't even get me started on christianity right now, but the point is, why do people, including women, feel the need to promulgate more rhetoric about women as sex objects, women who have careers as "troubling and difficult" (hello article in Forbes), and the most maddening, that men need to "take back" their masculinity, most efficiently in strictly seeing women as hired sex toys who do not consider their sexualty but for how it can be used to satisfy the mans? Who has taken this masculinity from you? Who? Why do I need Amazon to tell me that I might like to read a novel probably written by a 30 year old wanna be literary brat pack member who took what he read from Palahunik, Easton Ellis, Miller, and like...McInerny and formed it into this novel?

Women are sexual be/c they are human. Men seem to have this fantasy about them being refuges for some sort of sexual frustration that the evolution of feminism has somehow robbed them of. Why does it feel good to hire a hooker to this author? I am not getting down on hookers persay, but there is a definite power and control issue that can sleighride into rape that hired sex can lead to...troubling? Yes. Alarming, quite, and yet for this author, its part of a liberation for the male species.

Although I have no real idea, I would wager that this author best be getting himself checked for any number of STDs if this book is just a tyriad - nay, a sexual fantasy of conquests, is in fact truth and not fiction.

I hate this author. I hate everything about the insane and idiotic pressures that men begin to gestate once things like, oh, a female speaker of the house, an outrunning of girls in higher education, and generally the "disobediance" of women to continue to fake sexuality for male gratification, and instead look more to what sexually satisfies them, alone, begins to progress. OH and of course, the men in the book, according to Amazon, are businessmen. UNREAL. Investment bankers? Hedge fund managers? American psycho's...hmm, well, I appreciate that novel be/c it's message demonstrated how a certain type of personality can see and abuse women without care....but it wasn't the books original or main intent. This book's entire premise is basically taking the passages from American Psycho that have to deal with controlling women in the bedroom (who of course are always SO INTO IT) and condensing it into one novel...without any of the redeeming factors that A.Psycho has. Its a poorman's porno version, obsessed with the fact that monogomy is a myth. YES its up for debate if humans are scientifically monogomous but like most things science has shown us, we have evolved...and monogomy may have come with it. Maybe...that concept, while potentially interesting, is sidelined when I see an author crafting a book in a "stream of consciousness" style centered around businessmen using money to buy sex from girls that just aren't women yet. What that means is about as clear to me as it is to any other feminist. Maturity is what makes a woman? Blatantly irresponsible sexual behavior makes a girl? This author has decided for us without anything other than literary porn on paper.

ps) Oh and about that 'stream of consciousness' to describe this author's methods... SERIOUSLY can you get any lazier? Its like, why bothe rmaking sense? Ride on the coattails of post modernism to just publish your sexual fantasy journal? But why does it matter, I am sure Esquire found it to be quite a read...Maxim probably made it required reading for their employees.

pps) and lets not forget that if the tables were turned, this businessman wouldn't be labeled a "businesswoman" but a "whore." Or slut. or any other word that our puritan society has historically decided to call women who reign in their sexuality away from men's plaything into individual self satisfaction .

09 January 2007

Oh yes.

Average day for me.

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