05 December 2005

The sickness is dying off. I wish it was completely wiped out but I seem to have it lodged in the back of my throat and it causes me to a) cough phlegm all day and b) still sound strange when I talk. The best part is that i have some sort of a rash on my chest breaking out, perhaps due to the antibiotics that i have been on before, and never rashed out from. Tough to say.

So the weekend was bland and quiet. I slept alot, and on Sunday Eddie and I volunteered at 4th church for their Sunday Night Supper. What really angered me was that the woman in charge of the whole program (who like walked around and gave orders)denied second servings to the people who came out because they were being "disorderly." WTF? Disorderly my ass. No riots, no yelling...and using the food that they come to the church for, that we were volunteering our time to make,as collateral - to demand them to be "orderly," whatever that may mean - is cruel and inhumane. Its like 12 degrees out, these people are homeless, and we had more than enough food. Yet we ended up throwing some of it away OR the kitchen staff just ate some themselves because of this "disorderly" behavior (which I really don't think existed at all. The area is small and didn't hear nor see anything remotely resembling "disorderly." It really angered me and the rest of the volunteers. One woman didn't want to comply but she had to in the end. Love church politics.
