27 October 2006

Agitated? Why not.
I know I have blogged about celebrities that really bother me (read: George Clooney) but the wrath I feel has suddenly been moved from the "ultimate man" or whatever title he has now, to...Jared Leto.

Now, I will be honest and tell you that when I was like 15 and MySoCalledLife was on ABC (unreal, right?) I would watch that show and I specifically remember one episode (two if you count the Angel christmas episode be/c I really hated the actress who played the Angel), which I fondly refer to as the BoilerRoom episode. Or thats what Lena and I referred to it as when we became friends. Anyway, the turning point of that episode is Jordan Catalano and his like...minimal words but still so alluring demeanor. Jordan Catalano was played by Jared Leto. That was the first and last thing Leto did before becoming obsessed with the following: drugs, art school, and like, well, the movie the Shining...oh and music that sounds like The Cure meets My Chemical Romance meets New Order.

I read today on a blog (yes Leto a blog, those online journals that you loath) about how he somehow got in an argument with Elijah Wood. What the ? A - Elijah Wood like Lord of the Rings Elijah Wood? I never saw it so...anyway. But moreover, who gets in a fight with Elijah Wood? And the strangest part of this alleged incident is that it all started with whispering. And then Elijah says something outside of Leto and then Leto comes back. Now, the reason I must write about this is be/c evidently Elijah was trashing - surprise surprise - his band, 30 seconds to mars (bury me! bury me!).


When you're in a band that is imitating basically everything gothic and glam from the 80s and 90s and trying to pass it off as original by taking everything way too f-ing seriously, what do you expect? I understand that you were in that movie that was "critically acclaimed" (and loved by every drug addict and wanna be drug addict around), Requiem for a Dream. And that scene where your arm is like bruised and seeping out was...memorable but playing a drug addict is really, really, done (sort.of.like.your.band's.sound).

I saw the video for that single that requires you to wear a tuxedo and guess what? I saw the Shining too so hats off for ripping off someone else's art as your own.

I should remember that your criticism of blogs is...well, unique. I'd expect you to hate like, the straight edge movement, or the emo kids or the like...paparazzi. But blogs? Very smooth.

There are a few things that are confusing for me in your "hating of the blogs." Is it that you at first thought that they actually were the news? So when you read something on a blog like, The World Is Ending Tomorrow or Lindsay Lohan is not anorexic, did you believe it and act accordingly? Its natural for someone to lash out at what has fooled them, but this is a bit much. I suspect (just by inference) that you hate blogs be/c they, like Elijah Wood, probably trashed your band too and as far as I can tell, be/c Blogs are based around individual opinions, some of which include criticizing your "musical artistic merit" it follows that all blogs must be grouped together, under the guise of like...talking about how no one "writes, really writes" anymore, or be/c the news is no longer the news but just long winded editorials backed by big corporations. Who knows.

I know that Jared Leto can read be/c he went to art school, and I am not going to out and out say that art school teaches you nothing about how the world really functions (besides validating either a) the wealthy and idle who took the road less traveled from their Yale counterparts or b) the "art is life" mentality of people who are largely in...bands or...want to be). Okay I just did say it; I know of a few art schools and what they teach and as much as learning about the history of art is valuable, or practicing interpretive dance all day is therapeutic, or just chain smoking, applying eyeliner, and not eating can be fun, its not really...real. Real in the way that people hate to admit is what really makes the world function - living off wine and talking about modern art or classical music as it relates to the shape of public transit is interesting but not really realistic.

Thus, as many bloggers write about things not including the above curriculum, I can see why Leto hates them. Its hard to read about something you don't understand. I mean, if he's really that arrogant (and I really think he is, and if not, after this like I shot Lennon movie he's in, he will be even more bloatedly arrogant), I can see how he would hate bloggers who have a scary ability to say whatever they want, on the internet...and you'd think this would be something that Leto would like, that whole first amendment - freedom of speech thing. I could be wrong, maybe he's one of those "I vote third party" idiots (and hey, I was one when I was 18-19 years old but come on, its a two party system get with the f-ing program and vote properly or else we'll have this shithold of an administration for another four years).

25 October 2006

What do you get if you google...Barack Obama?

Lol...amazingly enough, you don't get the "antichrist" listing that Wonkette reported earlier this week but I sure wish you did - don't get me wrong, Obama is (still) fine by me but the story they published was priceless. If you don't read Wonkette, start now, it makes you smile and laugh at the dismal state of our democracy* Also, using google in my entry was an important aspect as I saw that clip of President Bush calling it "the Google." I loved that, it totally showed his age (hello mom and dad). Good stuff in a dark time. I honestly don't have a personal problem with the President - his administration (a.k.a. the "president") is problematic for me, as are their primary base of voters (read: Christian right/evangelists), but Bush himself, well, come on. I was taught not to discriminate against the mentally challenged and I was really happy the Republicans actually fulfilled their promise to provide equal opportunities for jobs and growth under the US Constitution. Bush was the biggest victory? No, thats mean, i'm sorry...Bush is just, sort of...simple. I just fail to see how, when I see him on these interviews or read about what he says, how he can make any decision without the puppetmasters behind him. I really should be angry about this but i'm not. Call it complacency or apathy or just...reality. Meh. Big election coming up, part of me is excited another just...meh. I always vote - mid term, big term, whatever. Turning 18 was huge for me, as you can imagine. Working on the campaign was a committment to that "democracy is the best!" sentiment but nowadays...well, lets be honest, seeing how bills really become laws vis a vis law school has been really depressing. In fact, most of the legal system (which does include the government via statutes and "public policy") has become sort of a dry, hopeless vat of lost ideals. I read another case about a civil case surrounding a rape and was so upset I threw the book down and cleaned my bathroom top to bottom. I just hate how the legal system must protect "justice" and "fairness" even in the face of an unfair and unjust situation - thats law, thats growing up, whatever but its not encouraging. Its those sexual assault cases that always get me. I sure hope we don't talk about that in torts tomorrow be/c I may have to break my "not going to freak out in class like other people do" rule. Just that once. For a good cause. And be/c my head might blow up if I don't and have to listen to a few certain individuals talk about how thats a "good" thing - no one should think its "good." It should be read and understood and accepted but not acclaimed. See, im getting irritated again.

Today was a weird day in light of the funhouse of body temperatures that I go through all day (thank you sophomore year medical problems which messed around with my hot and cold temperature readings for, like, ever). I was doing some final research for my memo today before LS and was sitting on a couch in direct shot of sunlight (can you imagine?)...I just, I really need that Vitamin D(?) to boost the seratonin that has fallen dramatically since September. Anyway, be/c of this, my variety of body temps was accellerated and I really started to sweat. The worst part is that normally I am not self-conscious (well, as much as one can avoid when sweating to the point that its dripping down the back of your neck) when I start to sweat like that but there was this guy sitting far enough away to possibly NOT notice the sweat or possibly close enough to, like, smell it?And no one else was around to distract. I didn't want to leave be/c I appreciated the sun and the proximity to my classroom but at the same rate, I was actually embarassed. He wasn't even noticing, but nowadays when I become the least bit self conscious, I begin to blush which - surprise - causes me to sweat even.more. Great. Whatever, this is the same kid I heard say during orientation (memory like an elephant I swear) something like "if you're not in my section, peace" - that is precisely when I started to hate school, turly, it was just like a wake up call that this isn't a place to meet or make friends, even if you just want a friend and not like, a date (which is the precise opposite, really, I can tell some people think that this is like an advanced singles scene and I hate it....) but it just felt like this whole process was so section oriented. Whatever, we're all doing the same material. I just thought that what he said was mean and I remembered it, oh yes. He's probably not friendless and alone as I would secretly wish for a comment like that (Its ORIENTATION, the goal is to make friends Cross Section) but still, I felt uncomfortable be/c I recognized this kid from a mean comment earlier and then started to think, hmm, i wonder if he can see/smell me sweat and if so, is he thinking something mean about me, personally? God, I never was like this but as school has progressed, I have gotten meaner so thus, everyone else has as well. Actually, before that thought, at first it was like, "is he in my section?..."no shit, I think that of nearly everyone that looks familiar BECAUSE for the first like two weeks I would sit with this kid that I was SURE was in my section and then one day, as I am taling to him, this other kid sits down and they start talking about classes and SURPRISE the kid is in a completely different section than me. I felt SO STUPID and I blushed and got up and left...like right then. Now whenever I see that kid, I think of that, and feel really stupid. I feel that way a lot. Seriously how did I not know that. Maybe he looks like someone in my section? I am not normally this idiotic but now, i'm gun shy.

Anyway. After sweating buckets I had class and like, yet another library tour?...yeah, my prof is so obsessed with the library its crazy. He's like an advertisement for the value of books - BOUND and PAGINATED, hardcore. I seriously haven't ever seen someone this juiced up about the library in my entire life. Its amusing. I envision his whole apartment as wall to wall books, all leather bound, all expertly archived, all specifically annotated and indexed. Crazy.

Alright, its midnight, tomorrow its fun times at the office and then torts. I cannot wait. Oh and if I thought this schedule sucks, was I wrong be/c - next semester, some sadomasochist decided to schedule 4 of our 5 classes all on Thursday. No joke, four in a row. Is that even legal? Seriously why does my section get all the shitty planning? I have no idea what will happen to me next semester. I just...thinking about tha tnow makes me want to sort of throw up? Yeah. Hopefully not since my bathroom is so spotless.
