30 August 2006

I realize that I typically wait until Project Runway is over to blog about the latest episode, but this episode has presented so many irresistible thoughts that I can’t help but write about in-progress.

I love that the challenge is asking the designers to design for themselves, be/c as I have said before, I really don’t trust a designer to design anything if they can’t sufficiently do it themselves. That being said, this challenge has handed me a huge laugh –

A) Angela. You are continuously proving that every slightly positive feeling I have for you to be false. I just don’t understand what you are thinking most of the time. I couldn’t even focus on how GREAT your hair looks straightened (which actually reassured me that you don’t still PERM your hair, be/c God is that over), because your outfit was so impossible. Your designs consistently look like Oilily gone bad. Its kitsch (the color combos) meets crafty (hello rosettes EVERYWHERE) meets like hippie (only be/c I get this strong sense of patchouli from her clothes). And who chooses LINEN, and not even that but a Linen Silk BLEND. It was all shiny and cheap and over accented and just a mess. Then you paired the bag? I am shuddering right now.
B) Jeffrey…a/k/a desperately seeking fame from having failed as a musician. When he “mentioned” that he used to be a touring musician I wanted to throw up. As if we couldn't figure that out on our own. I think i'm going to send him some Dashboard Confessional just to bother him. He is like, totally not into anything that doesn't reference being a rocker, rocking out, guitars, the 1970s and 1980s, and like, CBGB. Dude, you’ve got wanna be rocker written all over yourself, starting with the tattoo on your neck, the like a blinding “I’m punk rock” symbol for all the world to suffer through. When they asked him where he was going, I was all like “back to 1974 yo.” Can’t you see that it’s written ALL OVER him? Damn. Stop trying Jeffrey. Just stop. I hate hearing you talk about how edgy or great or talented you think you are, and I am not interested in your opinions be/c they are so editorialized by your personality. This outfit? Like Hot Topic meets like, sexual bondage (was that like, leather, tapered pants?). Plus you’re an asshole and you somehow found a way to make the crotch of your pants sparkle. That is never okay. Ever ever.
C) Kayne Kayne Kayne. I love you but not right now. Your outfit wasn’t (what was Jeffrey calling it? Las Vegas or something?) a costume, it was like something someone would wear who was in drag while performing as Elvis. It could have been the belt, it could have the shades of purple I caught, it could have been the strange almost native American style of pattern you chose to glue on the back of the shirt…or whatever, it was just not pleasant.
D) Now onto Richard…he is unapologetically crazy and I am starting to like it. “The twist is me.” Fuck yes. You make no apologies ever to the judges and I love it…of course the CK guy liked his outfit – minimalism is like Cklein’s bread and butter. If he would have disagreed, he’d probably be fired.
E) Michael…a consistently enjoyable character, because he seems genuine and I love how well thought his ideas are. Seersucker. Amazing. Its like encapsulating seafood and sailboats and summer winds with champagne, yachts and lots of diamonds…the nouveau riche to a T. Young moderns. I loved it…minus one objection - who in the hell makes Cargo pants? Hello 1998. Plus they had like, tassels on the sides? Plus he kept talking about going to the Hamptons and St. Tropez and come on, everyone knows its all about Marbella nowadays. And by the way, it’s like labor day on Monday so you best be wearing that for four more days…
F) Laura – a/k/a preggers. I don’t understand why she just doesn’t go work for Ann Taylor and call it a day. Evidently jet set to her meant dressing like you are going to a party. A party on the plane. A party in the cab. A party wherever you are when you wear that dress. A party that is completely impractical for the jet setting purpose. I know I haven’t traveled a lot overseas but when I have, I have not seen a woman in an evening gown. Why? Be/c jet setting implies jet lag and air planes and no one could be more uncomfortable than to wear a dress of that nature – well, maybe if you were wearing Angela’s silk/linen blended knee shorts with the rosettes on your ass. But that’s a tough call.

I will not comment on anyone else because they didn’t bother me. This time. I loved the French judge who just said to Angela, You Are Not A Jet Setter. You think? I mean she gets eliminated and it makes sense. Kayne was just having a bad day, Angela was just… rosetting her way to exile.

Its one in the morning, why not?

I know I keep writing, well, almost like droning at this point, about my new lifestyle but I am still sort of shell shocked at it. I just don't understand why I am either a) so incredibly inept and slow or b) not adjusted to the slow progression of learning/fast innundation of materials hat is law school to me. I mean, I am sure there are some people who are all, "whatev, law school is soooo easy," but I am just not one of them. I just don't ever feel 100% secure in anything that I am learning, so I spend loads of time just re-reading...and re-reading. It takes me awhile to do anything involving the curriculum and it just makes me feel stupid, a feeling that I am not comfortable with.

So anyway. I tried to synthesize these cases tonight and now its like 1am and I have no idea if what I have is even remotely close to what synthesis is supposed to be. THIS is why they have study guides I suppose. I need to get something sooner or later that not necessarily templates something for me (be/c stenciling my briefs and other assignments, while artful, will not really help me do things like, oh, pass the bar and practice) so that I know what I am going after - right now it just seems like a recap of cases and their modifications of the initial rule, and I don't think thats right. But tomorrow I am going to work and then I have class straightaway so we'll see what happens. Its insane how people act in class. I see some people who actively make faces when someone is called on (its annoying and mean), or when some poor soul doesn't know the right answer within the like 2 seconds the professor gives us to answer it (so competitive). Its bad, I hate it. I don't hate my role in it be/c I have yet (yet - knock on wood) to get called on and be lost but it'll happen. I am sure of it. Its like a rite of passage in law school I think.

Despite all that, I really do like what I am learning - its just like learning a language without having the basic vocabulary down. You really can't build off anything be/c you still don't know what the terms that make up the sentences even mean. They can't really teach the vocab without the sentence be.c then it'd be without a context, and alot of times that context is what gives the word its meaning?...and on and on. Its just frustrating.

I also broke a candle all over my bathroom floor about 15 minutes ago. That was AWESOME. I don't even know how it happened - one minute it was in my hand, then it was like half on the shelf, and then SMASH on the ground. I really love picking up shards of glass, especially at 1am. Might as well go throw another up against the wall just for the sake of the satisfying smashing noise that resounds in the bathroom, be/c if i'm up, everyone should be up.
