22 September 2006

must be a Kill Hannah show coming or something

I guess the timing of my sort of half - panic state, all the time, makes sense. I have midterms coming up and as of right now, I am not even sure if I could recite anything regarding future interests if you asked me. Property is really, really bad right now- I have bought flashcards, the supplemental text and also will get the examples and explanations book. Thats fine by me. Its just frustrating, really be/c of my professor and that explanation is best left for an in person repartee. Plus its just bad form to trash a prof online.

In other news, I am still (woo) covered under my health insurance until October 1. I went and filled all my prescriptions today just for good measure and had to wait about 20 minutes. Their magazine section at Walgreens was beyond dismal - no, I am not interested in celeb fashions - all the secrets to their hottest styles! and I really could care less about most women's magazines that aren't mostly about "real" fashion...so I read Esquire. I am not sure if I've ever really become agitated more than when I think about the disparities between men and women's magazines. Seriously. Men's magazines have articles regarding relevant political issues, and articles about sex, and articles about what to wear, but its equal parts ridiculousness and somewhat more valuable reading than Glamour or Cosmo or even Elle - its just so celebrity saturated and sex oriented to please him, and relationship advice and its just phooey, I hate them. I hate how the articles about relevant topics are about being raped and surviving (which is commendable), or birth control issues, or how to handle menstral cramps or the annoying co worker or what is he thinking? Yuck.

So instead of using more brain cells for that, I searched for a dark, dark, nearly black shade of nail polish ... nothing, not even in the crappy Wet and Wild section. I suddenly was hit with this thought that there must be a Kill Hannah show coming up and the need to look goth + retro + fashionable was oh so necessary. Whatever, i'm hypocritical, I know but I was annoyed on top of the aggravation I had for a) Property and b) the magazine problem I just outlined.

Thats it. Oh, I went running today, first time in like...oh a month or so and it was fine. Nice to run with an IPOD without the threat of the SAD MAC face and the hard drive crashing. I love my new nano.

20 September 2006

I'm a little dismayed. I had thought PROJECT RUNWAY was going to be on tonight but...no. I did watch two hours (thats right) of America's Next Top Model. I can't decide if Tyra Banks wants to mother or smother these girls. She's weird. Not very descriptive but its all that I can think of when I see or hear or watch her, esps in the show. I don't have any real favorites yet, and I may not pick any as that just leads to disappointment - you know, all my pics recently (a/k/a Alison from PROJECT RUNWAY) haven't really suceeded.

So be/c I booked three, yes three, hours of tv time, I am watching Kidnapped right now...its amazing the effect Michael Mann has had on portraying kidnappings. I sort of feel like I am watching Man On Fire but yet, its with...Manhattanites, not MexicoCity-ans. But anyway, there are some familiar faces in this show thus far - the alien from the Forgotten who just wouldn't die, and then the Creepy Shoe Guy from a Season Two Sex and the City episode (here, he's playing, surprise! a creepy assassin) and then there's Elton from Clueless. I see Jeremy Sisto and I see Elton, and then I hear Brittany Murphy's character, Ty, singing "rollin' with the homies." Oh the 90's.

This is just like a prolonged movie. I like it so far. These shows are really allowing me to avoid having any actual contact...its all like, myspace and tv. OH! And now, the guy that Miranda had great sex with on Sex and the City, the one who is the translator and came back during Carrie's book party, has shown up as another kidnapper. This is like a reunion for the men of Sex and the City. I wonder who else will pop up.

One more thing about Myspace - the attorney, my favorite, that I work with today, told me that Myspace is really the defning line between his generation (33) and my generation (25). I guess I see it...he just doesn't understand it and I suppose that I don't really think to understand it. The generational line. Indeed.

18 September 2006

"If you want to know what I find attractive, take a look at the 2006 Portugal Futbol Team."

I have had an interesting couple weeks. A couple great quotes:

"I'll take you out to dinner little one, wherever you want...as long as its not that crap vegetarian hut on Halsted. Bleh." Eduardo's offer of dinner to alleviate stress.

"You say 'she's from Minnesota' like I know what that means...I have a better idea of what Candyland looks like than I do Minnesota." Rob, responding to why I like a classmate of mine, who is also from MN, a reason I gave for why I like her.

"I can't' wait until the new Harry Potter comes out...get some magic back in my life." Eduardo, for no apparent reason at all.

And the subject quote, from me, re: what I think is attractive.

I saw the movie The Last Kiss - there were lines. Fucking Zach Braff and "his dull eyes" (from Eduardo). The movie was just sort of...okay. Sad. Predictable. Indie. I am even more excited to see The Science of Sleep this weekend...anyway. My mother has changed her flight + hotel to the weekend following when she was originally supposed to come be/c of the Country Living Home and Garden show at the Chicago Botanical Gardens...thats where i'll be that Saturday, Eduardo too...be/c there is no where else I'd like to be on a day "off" than with a bunch of women (really, probably mostly women) looking at Cornucopia and potpourri.. I love my mom but sometimes I forget about how...well, Mom like she is.

Finally, my myspace addiction is still able to feed despite my lack of time. I guess that shows how dedicated I am to wasting time.

Oh and last night my computer literally would shut down upon starting it up for 5 hours. 5 hours on a Sunday pm when I had a lot to do...yeah, it was bad, switching between panic and calm, tense and frantic. Eduardo and I fixed it but...I really fear that it will start to freeze up again. Cross your fingers.
