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So Much Promise entry

Date: 12.22.03
Climate: Sunny and cold
Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Smoothies, Gatorade, Water
Feeling: the Christmas spirit
Listening to: Talk of the Nation: Wesley Clark (he's got my vote)
Watching My mom put a sweater on my dog, and listening to what shes saying to it while doing it. Its great.
Reading: You Shall Know Our Velocity


Great its online now...Rudy told me it was, and loe and behold...I am not sure if that link works, but if it doesn't, just punch in http://elmhurst.edu, go under About Elmhurst links, and its under 10toWatch...obviously. Check it out, just for the sake of how sad it is...makes me think of that chapter from Prozac Nation: So much promise.
Incidentally, I look wretched in all of the pictures, besides the baby photos, because I got little to no sleep the night prior...my boyfriend decided to get kicked out of North Hall that night, so...yeah.

Also, everyone is out and about for the holiday break. Its a game of cat and mouse...with high school "friends" and teachers...hopefully you know me well enough to know my feelings on that. (shivers)

I need to go to the gym.
