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That makes you a pedophile and basically pure evil. Hang 'em high.

By now you've all probably read about the soldiers who, evidently be/c they have nothing better to do over in Iraq, plotted and then gang raped a 14 year old girl, burned her body to hide the "evidence" and also killed her family.

14 makes you a pedophile. If these were civilians the public outcry would be so much greater...with the military, its sort of this mentality "well, i'm not over there so who knows what its like 'mentally,' " or "they're probably suffering from post traumatic stress syndrome" or the worst "boys will be boys."

This makes me incredibly angry and have so much more disdain for a) this "war" aka occupation kill iraqis in the name of liberation and...stabilization...and...freedom and b) hate people who are in the military.

The thing is, crimes are committed everywhere and they are usually ranging within the heinousness that this crime is - but we can usually take a step away and say that they belong to a different class - criminals, actually, is what I believe they are known as and there is system designed to make the victims and their families "whole" again via the law and the people on the other side of that are...the People v. these criminals. When its the military, its more disturbing - be/c they are being paid to "protect" America, and because of that, its generally thought that we hold them out to a greater standard of civility because our tax dollars pay for their occupation (haha..j/k) and they also are american representatives in tense and watchful circumstances.

I hate these men. I hate everything about how I am sure hundreds more rapes and murders have been committed in the name of freedom. Its more probable than not to assume that those who join the military and enlist have an easier time with violence and I understand that allows for some total crazy people - but isn't there a system in this big budgeted military system we have to weed these fuckers out and put them in a) hospitals or b) prison? I'd rather we pay for these individuals to be locked up in prison or in a sanitarium than give them a weapon and let them loose on people who are incredibly disadvantaged right now.

I am so angry and disgusted and sad about this. I am sad about our country's general acceptance that be/c this was in Iraq or be/c they're soldiers or whatever that we need not pay it any more attention. OJ Simpson and his antics gets more play...yes its easier to listen to but simply be/c this is a difficult topic or a disturbing story or an uneasy feeling doesn't make it less worthy - we just had a midterm election where the American people "spoke." Where are their voices now? Just waiting around for "change" to happen on its own? Its never going to happen. We'll be stuck over there forever, giving more crazy soldiers with guns and a false sense of power and control a reason to act out and rape more 14 year olds, burn their bodies be/c they are so conscious of how they "can't get caught" as they fully recognize what they did was wrong...and kill more families be/c they "hate" iraqis.

Goddamn this war. And anyone who voted for it. I understand Saddam Hussein routinely did things like this, but it doesn't seem like we are helping that "human rights" situation any more than he was and yet we went in, guns literally blazing, crying out for how people needed to be treated more humanely, and that individuals who perform such egregious acts against humanity must be stopped. Looks like the tables have turned, or else the true nature of this war has finally been reduced to acts of violence of epic proportions, financed completely by the United States of America.
