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The" Labour " Entry
Date: 3.5.04
Climate: At one time, early this morning, I took a run in 60 degree weather. Then I took a shower and it had rained and turned to 40 and cold and wind advisory. It was indeed the epitome of a blustery day...
Eating: cheese and water crackers, mmm.
Drinking: water
Feeling: expectant (not in the pregnant sense)
Listening to: tom petty in the background
Watching: nothing
Reading: Trib...outraged by Oberweis once more.

I am going to write a piece for the Trib in the Voice of the people. Jim Oberweis enrages me to a dangerous degree....no one ever realizes that the jobs available to the "70,000 illegal immigrants, weekly --enough to fill up soldier field" are taking the jobs that "typical" American's won't due to the fact that they are well below living wage standards (I know, odd to see the words living-wage together)--and that the only jobs taht do pay a living wage or higher are being outsourced to like India...(i.e. my boyfriend's dad's corp....he just got back from a trip to India...where HOusehold will expand to take over the world even moreso...).
I just also want tonote that that "costs driven up for healthcare by these illegal immigrants" is a dychotomy in and of itself. Who the fuck can afford health care with a below living wage job? Shit, even I can't afford it and I have two full time jobs.

It could be that I am working so much with the labor movement that propoganda (I don't care what University he got this from, regardless of whether it was commissioned by the INS) like this really angers me, but the lack of critical thinking that the vast majority of voters do not deploy on election day is what could give this guy a vote...I am not saying enough to win, since my man is ahead in the polls--and MJ just cut him a 10,000 check---even though the limit is 12000--why not just give the limit?--but even one vote means the infection that is Oberweis has spread much too far.
