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So did I ever post about how one night, in April, when Eddie and I were hanging out first with my friend Tulane at Glascotts in L/Park, and then at the L & L, that we ran into the band Against Me!? (the ! is part of their band name...)

Well, they interviewed us on tape...it was pretty funny. Very American Beauty-esque as Eddie said (the one guy was like "watch it, i'm holding the camera) -- they told him he was good looking. I love that my boyfriend gets that more than me. Or not.

Anyway, and then they asked me some questions and I said "So...what do you guys think of all these bands that sound like, oh, The Cure and The Smiths?"
And the guy with the camera, I think his name was Andrew maybe, he said in this great sarcastic voice "Like Kill Hannah?"
And then the guys like "They're assholes! We got to jump on top of their RV the other day..."
I told them my story and they too agreed they were even bigger assholes be/c of the Almost Famous they did to me.

The evilness of that band will never cease to amaze me. Its no wonder they're so stagnant. God knows these things (ahah).
God that felt so long ago. Like a wrinkle in time or something like that.

Thats all for now friends*
