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The " Don't Know Until You Try " Entry
Date: 1.14.04
Climate: We missed the blizzard:)
Eating: Carrots and hummus
Drinking: Water
Feeling: Prospective
Listening to: TAL==amnesia
Watching: the OC--god I love it.
Reading: Newcity: top ten Chicagoans we love to hate...Ira made the list:( --Why cruel world, why?

So today I trained with Cindy, my new best friend at Dappers. All I can say is working here is going to be like nothing I have ever done. All of the women have at least ten years on me age wise, most chain smoke, and you should see the outfits you have to wear: stockings (or pantyhose as some call it), white socks, white shoes. White collared shirt. And this black apron like dress thing.
Hair has to be in either a ponytail or a bun at all times.
I just am laughing at this really. I don't think it will be that hard, and I don't mean to get ahead of myself but its just multi tasking, remembering things, and being attentive and nice. Since the nicer you are = the better tip, I am laying on the charm.
So the plan is this...
Once I get fully trained at Dappers, work there from six am to eleven am. Drive to the Union. Work from noon to eight at night. Repeat, M-F.
I don't really want to do either job but I can't afford to be picky any more. Sure, I may end up dead in a crack house on the South side (Sergio said a cop stopped him after he got done talking to a member in a particular house, and tried to arrest him for buying crack. Sergio said "I work for the union." The Cop: "Prove it. All the traffic I ever see is people buying drugs: this house is notorious for it.")
I may die of exhaustion before I get raped or killed: I'll have to be awake from about five until ten every day, but i need to make money and the jobs I thought I was qualified for, aka mindless office work, I apparently as we have all seen, am not.
I did get another email today for an interview on the twenty eighth. I am going but my hopes aren't high at all. I just can't take this rejection anymore, really.
And so it goes.
Tomorrow I start studying for the lsat some more. And friday is the designated "Cherie has reckless fun day"-- Eddie and I are going to Smartbar that evening, where I will proceed to drink lots of Absolut vodka on the rocks (currant or vanilla, I love them equally), dance, dress in little skirts, high heels, with lots of earrings and bracelets...pretend its 1984.
I love it.
I figure, its a last hurrah before I start this job(s).
I watched the OC tonight: I do like that show. I suppose its just another glorified depiction of the ideal American life: but you have money and lots of it. Why not? Who wants meager humble beginnings like that Dawson's Creek crap if you can have foreign cars, beautiful scenary, large houses, pools, hot tubs, gorgeous offspring and attractive married and happy couples?
Its like a part soap opera, part teen drama.
I think thats what I will from now on shoot for: riches and true family values.

Meanwhile, I have finished a CD for my friend Rob and even did this little package for it. I will have to mail it unless I happen to see him again in the near future, but seeing as he goes to school at Marquette...yeah.
I must credit him here, as he told me the other day while we discussed politics that he believes that the "majority of things Bush does is to excite the common man. Like the war. Life on Mars."
I was pleasantly surprised. It is very true to a large extent. Now, I heard Bush wants to send more people to the Moon....between suddenly falling in love with mexican immigrants, to his obvious affair with an alien life force, this resembles even more of the whacked out shennanigans we have to deal with as Americans under our first dictator (with Congress all Republican, and a Supreme Court who ultimately put Bush the II in office, we are pretty damned close)...and if the Democrats continue with their "Good Doctor Dean" run, we will, for another four years, have to entertain his random array of bullshit further.

I want him to get working on that time machine. He'd definitely have my vote then.
