The" Don't Be Like That " Entry
Date: Jesse's 20th--
Climate: Cold. Damnit! Where did that taste of spring run off to?
Eating: Devouring a bagel with a sliced banana on top.
Drinking: Water
Feeling: Frazzled and tired
Listening to: Beatles in the background
Watching: Skateboarder guys in hospital parking lots a la West Side.
Reading: --
Today was another four am wake up. I am really getting exhausted, both physically due to the like 17 hour work days I have had to reduce myself to, and emotionally since they both put me on a whirlwind ride...
At five am this morning I got scolded by an extremely wealthy looking gentlemen who was "in a hurry" (at five am?) and was also told that the "beige towels are insufficient to his bathing requirements"
They don't absorb. Craig, my boss, explained it all to me like I was seven or somewhere along those lines.
(Cue annoying British Accent)
Craig: You see Cherie, these towels were, at one time, just like these ones (motions to the coveted white towels which did in fact cater to the said man's bathing requirements).
(Cherie sagely nods)
Craig: Like all towels, they take a bit of, shall we say, washing to get the full realization from them...
(Full realization from a towel. It really IS True what they say about the rich!)
(Cherie continues to sagely nod)
Craig: Do you understand, love?
Cherie: Oh yes.
later, that same day----
Cherie: I gotta go Nafeesah, see you later.
Nafeesah: Have a good day!
Cherie: Oh yeah, one more thing. We're supposed to promote this member incentive promotion with these flier which, of course, don't say anything helpful whatsoever.
(Unbenounced to Cherie, Craig is standing directly behind her)
Craig: And Cherie, why do you suppose that is?
(Turns slowly to face the Craig)
Cherie: accurately (gulp) get to know all of the members to make this feel even more personable?
Craig: No. Its so they can get to know them (They= members, Them= the three names of corporate salespeople that his rather large thumb is pointing to on the flier).
Cherie: Oh.
Craig: Cherie, everything is thought out carefully here...nothing is an accident you know.
Cherie: Right.
(thinking...but it doesn't say anything. It just says "talk to these three but not to the person telling you to do it...since they aren't allowed disclosure to that information...we're like robots, really, receptionbots.
But she says nothing.
As she leaves, she notes the "In everything that you do, ask yourself, 'is this in the best interest of the club?' " She wonders to what extend the other employees do this.
So that was my day part one. Part two was the job I actually like...had this twenty year old nitwit hit the rental, leaving me outside and cold, waiting on the police for two hours. The second hour was twice as maddening, considering it was because they drove by "without seeing me" and then it took them, you guessed it, another hour to get back after I angrily called 911 (which, incidentally, comes up as S.O.S. on my cell phone--haha.
I also had a man hit on me relentlessly while I was walking around the ward. It was actually getting sorta invasive and he wasn't leaving me alone...he kept accusing me of being racist against black men because I wouldn't give him my number or let him give him his...he kept talking about how "this is America and it shouldn't be like this" or some bullshit or something.
That was the spark that lit the fuse that pretty much went off after the car dent tonight.
I just want to go to bed (which I am going to do and speeding through this entry as I do so).
Yech. Today was a day.
The weekend, however, was so good that I suppose this is just God telling me that my life cannot just be me and happiness in love, always. But this weekend was a nice little slice of pretend.
Date: Jesse's 20th--
Climate: Cold. Damnit! Where did that taste of spring run off to?
Eating: Devouring a bagel with a sliced banana on top.
Drinking: Water
Feeling: Frazzled and tired
Listening to: Beatles in the background
Watching: Skateboarder guys in hospital parking lots a la West Side.
Reading: --
Today was another four am wake up. I am really getting exhausted, both physically due to the like 17 hour work days I have had to reduce myself to, and emotionally since they both put me on a whirlwind ride...
At five am this morning I got scolded by an extremely wealthy looking gentlemen who was "in a hurry" (at five am?) and was also told that the "beige towels are insufficient to his bathing requirements"
They don't absorb. Craig, my boss, explained it all to me like I was seven or somewhere along those lines.
(Cue annoying British Accent)
Craig: You see Cherie, these towels were, at one time, just like these ones (motions to the coveted white towels which did in fact cater to the said man's bathing requirements).
(Cherie sagely nods)
Craig: Like all towels, they take a bit of, shall we say, washing to get the full realization from them...
(Full realization from a towel. It really IS True what they say about the rich!)
(Cherie continues to sagely nod)
Craig: Do you understand, love?
Cherie: Oh yes.
later, that same day----
Cherie: I gotta go Nafeesah, see you later.
Nafeesah: Have a good day!
Cherie: Oh yeah, one more thing. We're supposed to promote this member incentive promotion with these flier which, of course, don't say anything helpful whatsoever.
(Unbenounced to Cherie, Craig is standing directly behind her)
Craig: And Cherie, why do you suppose that is?
(Turns slowly to face the Craig)
Cherie: accurately (gulp) get to know all of the members to make this feel even more personable?
Craig: No. Its so they can get to know them (They= members, Them= the three names of corporate salespeople that his rather large thumb is pointing to on the flier).
Cherie: Oh.
Craig: Cherie, everything is thought out carefully here...nothing is an accident you know.
Cherie: Right.
(thinking...but it doesn't say anything. It just says "talk to these three but not to the person telling you to do it...since they aren't allowed disclosure to that information...we're like robots, really, receptionbots.
But she says nothing.
As she leaves, she notes the "In everything that you do, ask yourself, 'is this in the best interest of the club?' " She wonders to what extend the other employees do this.
So that was my day part one. Part two was the job I actually like...had this twenty year old nitwit hit the rental, leaving me outside and cold, waiting on the police for two hours. The second hour was twice as maddening, considering it was because they drove by "without seeing me" and then it took them, you guessed it, another hour to get back after I angrily called 911 (which, incidentally, comes up as S.O.S. on my cell phone--haha.
I also had a man hit on me relentlessly while I was walking around the ward. It was actually getting sorta invasive and he wasn't leaving me alone...he kept accusing me of being racist against black men because I wouldn't give him my number or let him give him his...he kept talking about how "this is America and it shouldn't be like this" or some bullshit or something.
That was the spark that lit the fuse that pretty much went off after the car dent tonight.
I just want to go to bed (which I am going to do and speeding through this entry as I do so).
Yech. Today was a day.
The weekend, however, was so good that I suppose this is just God telling me that my life cannot just be me and happiness in love, always. But this weekend was a nice little slice of pretend.