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The" Wrong Turn " Entry
Date: 3.30.04
Climate: cold again damnit
Eating: --
Drinking: --
Feeling: trapped
Listening to: Spitalfield
Watching: --
Reading: --

Last night Eddie and I left Oak Park after seeing Eternal Sunshine (which was fabulously sad) and drove our seperate ways.
When I got home, I heard "Hey where you going?"
I turned around and there he was, walking towards me, smiling.
He just looked at me and said "I took a wrong turn and ended up at your place."
And he smiled, and I smiled and almost started to cry.
As we walked towards my apartment, I stopped and looked at him and said,
"you know those moments, when you're really really happy, and you know you're happy, and all you can say to yourself is 'don't ever forget this feeling,'? Well thats what I am trying to do right now."
And then he kissed me. And we recounted side by side the play by play of how we met and got together which we shamlessly do about once a month. Its a guilty pleasure.
And then we went on to embody that couple in the pages of the magazines, in the memorable collage scenes a la Romeo + Juliet...happy and laughing and kissing in bed and I realized that for once in my life things are absolutely perfect.

And I am so. so. scared.
