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The" black out " Entry
Date: 3.15.04
Climate: mild with sun
Eating: --
Drinking: --
Feeling: tired
Listening to: THESMITHS
Watching: Curb your enthusiasm, so funny...
Reading: The Coast of Chicago.

Training is over. It was long and arduous but well worth it.
I have, in some ways, already gotten a promotion but it is a mixed bag...I am going to be a partial assistant state coordinator, which is a few steps up from my member political organizer that I was going into the week...I am going to be stationed in Detroit. I leave within the first two weeks of April. I will be getting paid a little more due to the added responsibility.

But I am nostalgic and a tad intimidated. I was by far the youngest person there at 22 and it is hard to try to lead teams of people who have generations ahead of you...and also, just when I was getting to know the Illinois people, I am sent off alone to Michigan. People were a little irritated that I got shifted within two days of evaluation but I can't really do anything about it. Truthfully, I am a little surprised but excited...I will be lonely though. I will be the only person in Illinois besides the state director who is from, guess, Washington DC...who doesn't live in Michigan. Which means that I will be a little lonesome and scared. Detroit...I have never been there.

The organization was very professional and I learned alot about politics in the practice based sense which was very awakening and calculated and scary...we are spending millions and thats just this branch of it. There are around 5 other organizations that I can think of now engaging in this type of activity. So much money is being spent to get Bush out of office...

Intermittently, Eddie and I spent as much time together as we could since he leaves for the UK on Friday and then he gets back and I leave, almost immediately. I can't get over how much I am going to miss him, I can't.
So to make sure we had visuals going into these next few weeks/months, Eddie and I took some fantastic pictures in Walgreens yesterday. I am quite proud of the fact that we make a Walgreens look so illustrious. I will try to post a couple on this soon. They're fantastic. We're such dorks.

the plan now....is....well, I am planning on going to Florida within the next week and then MN and back to chicago with my mom and then off to D town. I want to try to hang out with my friends once before I leave but everyone is so scattered.
Election work time.

The primary is tomorrow...DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!
