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The"staring at the asphalt, wondering" Entry
Date: the 18th of May
Climate: rain and chill
Eating: --
Drinking: hot cocoa (Starbucks guy..."I like your shirt...")
Feeling: excited
Listening to: Postal Service
Watching: Meet the Press
Reading: NYTimes

Good news on all fronts.

Results from doctor are good (minus that pepcid ulcer or something equally as painful)
Their album comes out on June 29 (I was listening to a track this morning)--I cannot wait. They're going to be on the Curiosa Festival, which ALSO includes The Rapture, Cursive, and Interpol.

Can you tell I am excited? I am going to buy tickets, no matter what the cost, for Eddie and I as soon as they go on sale.
Also, I had a job bite today! The woman from PIRG that offered me that job in Baltimore emailed me and there may be a coordinator position open in Illinois...or an issues associate position. I cannot wait, we're supposed to phone interview later this week.
So thats it. I am creating my own project for the next two days: a complete, comprehensive voter registration/drive packet to give to our volunteers when they go to random fests and activities to get people registered and out to the polls. I love how I just make up my projects.
