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Hello Friends--
Well, if you have had the luxury of reading my blog (sounds lame, yes, I recognize that), you're probably aware of the unhappiness and dismay this job and new residence has brought me, way up in Detroit.

After arriving back from MN for my fathers 55th birthday party, as well as some time to talk this over with my family, and of course, with much contemplating (about a month, really), I have decided to leave this state and this job, my last day actually on the 13th, and pursue what it was I wanted to do a year ago: law school. Although I struggled quite a bit about leaving this position, the departure is a positive one altogether... the chief of staff and the communications director, with whom I worked with quite closely, were happy to hear that I was taking a leap away from Michigan, and they even readily agreed that this was a sheer "waste of my time." This also free's them to hire a more appropriate (black and older) replacement...no joke. They volunteered themselves are references already. My union liason wasn't so pleased, he was visibly angry (I watched his hands clench) that he wasn't the "first to know"--seeing as he came in at 3. You just can't please everyone.

Regardless, I have realized that despite whatever background I may have in communications, this isn't the right time or job for me to be in right now, and so with that, I will be moving back to Chicago, staying with a fantastic friend until I get settled in my new apartment, a place in Lakeview I think, near the tail end of the month.

I will email you my updated phone/address as soon as I know it, but my cell and clearly my email, is still the same.

I don't quite know what I am going to be doing, really. And at first that really scared me, since I usually have quite a managed plan for success. But the sheer fact that I will be back home, with friends and loved ones, is comforting to me, and the rest will follow.

I may or may not go back to organizing with 880, but without a car and without really wanting to buy one, I may not. I just don't know. I have an interview with the DNC the Monday I come back, as well as some other interviews and leads lined up at various law firms and I have even considered working at BlockBuster--don't know if this is a breakdown or just a stranglehold on the overexcelling personality I have been running at for the past, like, 5 years but its a welcomed change either way.
Surprisingly, I really don't feel stressed; nothing, really, at this point, will be worse than what I have been doing since the beginning of April, and rest assured I have made the appropriate worse than/better than comparisons.*

My best to you all; I hope you're doing well in your jobs and life as a whole. Update me when you can.

Miss you--but hopefully seeing you soon.

This update written while enjoying "Starting from Scratch"
--the puppy channel story, TAL episode 233.
