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The "intolerance " Entry
Date: 9 August
Climate: i'm cold. no one else is. could be that I am ill (threw up lots last night)
Eating: Oh no
Drinking: water
Feeling: tired
Listening to: crap
Watching: --
Reading: webpages
Had a very, very promising interview with the DNC, ate dinner in the city and saw Collateral--drove up to MI late at night and spent the early morning in stimulating conversation with Eddie--woke up around 3 the next day, attempting to make from- scratch banana pudding (failed miserably, my first ever since I took up cooking). Made a successful ravioli with artichoke and roma tomato with onions and garlic "sauce" (no cream, just the olive oil and vegetables) The bread was moldy which saddened me because it may have helped my upset stomach--I had to see the food at the bottom of the toilet. Slept in peaceful slumber next to Eddie--really the best way to sleep.
Home in less than a week with lots of fun on the radar.
