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" Merci Beaucoup "
Date: Today is the last day
Climate: cold with sun--feels like fall
Eating: --
Drinking: apple juice
Feeling: tired
Listening to: cuts from the video they made for ACT
Watching: Stepmom
Reading: --

Today is my last day here...there isn't a whole lot for me to do and I may try to leave early, but its not like i have alot to do elsewhere... Maybe i'll walk and see a movie.
I wrote thank you notes to the staff here--I really will genuinely miss them but I feel so right that this is the best decision.
Erick emailed me saying they have some openings at Liberty--I was impressed that he thought of me, he thinks I would be perfect...I am going to apply I just need my clips, which are in storage somewhere. I may just send what I have in with clips forthcoming. I don't know--
I couldn't sleep at all last night, I was up until 3am. I don't know whats going--Eddie and i had those fantastic, long conversations--its good to be back to normal.

I miss him
