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I am just going to pretend that everything is fine to avoid getting utterly depressed.
I am waiting to get trained on this blast email thing but they're late in calling so I figured i'd try to hash out that post I was so excited about earlier.

Thursday was great.
I got in early enough to make the day seem young and not road haggard. Eddie and I went to Elmhurst to say good bye to Josh who was headed back to the OC -- I love that he lives there. We ate ice cream, and I sweated buckets...it was humid and gross.
After, dinner with Jliz and then Eddie and I headed to the city and did what we do best: lounged.

Friday=wedding. Luckily the rain subsided for the ceremony, and just the ceremony. Eddie and I got up and ate at Ann Sathers (which was a bit of a let down, i'm not going to lie) and I wore the cutest dress. But anyway, so we got him all dressed up (so handsome...so in love) and then we went to the ceremony. The sun was shining and it was really hot--i was sweating bullets and his shirt was covered too. For some reason there was a two hour period from the ceremony to the reception, even though it was just from Lombard to Wheaton, so we ate some pizza at Giordanos and then drove over.
It was great to see them again, Michelle and Don, married, but also a bit surreal. I told Zak that I think I aged through them. I am just not ready to get married, hands down.
The reception was alright, but I have realized that I am not one for banquet hall receptions. I want to have one in a museum, a la First Friday's or something.

Anyway, so then we left in the rain, and drove back to my place and, you guessed it, slept.

Saturday = one of the greatest Chicago Days ever.

Get oil changed in only ten minutes!
Drive to my old stomping ground, Lincoln Park.
Walk walk walk to Rush street.
Browse and shop a bit.
Walk down Michigan to River East where we ate at PJ Clarkes (mmmmm)
Walk around the corner and see Shrek 2 (it was funny, i'll admit)
Walk to Nordstroms and buy a sweater, as it had gotten very very cold in my skin tight tank top.
Walk to Jamba Juice and drink the beloved smoothies...
Walk down State parkway and admire the homes and play "what if" we lived there games.
Realize we have to go the bathroom and nearly get cornered in Mediteranean restaurant ("No Spices! No Spices!")
Drive back to apartment.
Get in bed.

Now, there were some very low points. One such being running into Kill Hannah's agents wife (the one I used to work with). She even got me to give her my phone number and I didn't have the heart to lie. I also saw her husband (grrr) on his cell phone in the corner and Eddie and I bolted out of Urb Out at lightening speed.
Its like I can't shake them. EVER.

Sunday = another great day.

Eddie and I discovered Arnold Palmers, the 50/50 lemonade- iced tea drink. We drank like three on Sunday. We woke up, went to the library, walked to the fountain (its working again!), ate bread and danishes and drank said beverage...looked at Millenium Park, walked around and visualized getting married in some of the garden's around there (it has to be possible, it has to!) then we drove to lakeview and walked some more, drank more of the tasty summer drink, then we drove to southport and ate at the mystic celt (mmm) and then drove back to the apartment, rented two movies we didn't watch which will incur late fees as i'll return them when I get back on Thursday night, late, and then we ate some diner food at the Hollywood Grille (mmm French Toast) and then we slept. Until I woke up at 230am to drive him home and get back here by 930.

And i've been here since.

Again, the weekend wasn't totally perfect. I threw up most if not all of the food consumed, and still feel sick. No more food until I get this ulcer under control because, frankly, the feeling of acid shooting through my nose and throat as I am hunched over a toilet is deafening.

Now this is interesting...a 22 year old kid from EC who says he "knows me" started IM'ing me. He likes the same type of music I do and is an advertising/marketing major. I haven't any idea who he is and he's being quite cryptic. He does like Interpol though. Who knows who he is, but its a mystery. I do enjoy mysteries.
